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Man . . . there are times I swear you are hovering over me and my family during moments in our lives.

Adam Coach / Husband / Dad

Thank you for this. It was a much needed dive into my heart, soul, and being.

Cat Athlete / Coach / Wife / Mom

Your daily updates truly help guide my mind back to where I need and want to be.

Sarah Sales Manager / Wife / Mom


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Read Past Daily Disciplines

Emotional impulses: friend or enemy?

It would be ideal if every impulse you felt served your best interest. But impulses don’t work like that.

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99% Responsibility = 100% Failure

Responsibility is not an easy skill to master. You have countless ways to resist. Countless ways to hide. Countless ways to blame, complain, and get defensive. It’s tempting to take that road. Tempting to push responsibility away, ever so slightly.

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Transform discipline from intimidating to exciting

When discipline feels intimidating, it's a sign that your perspective has become distorted. You will discover confident paths, faster progress, and reliable results by adjusting how you see discipline. You will also feel the benefit of having overcome what once felt intimidating. The main challenge...

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12 moves toward mastering your future

Life is a chessboard of choices. Every decision affects the pieces on the board. Every move limits or expands future moves. Here's how to make moves that win:

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This way to the good life

Listen well, younger reader, because life comes at you fast. Set aside the noise of the world for a moment. Pay attention, older reader, because time gets more precious every day.

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You have a higher calling to answer

Do not allow the opinions of others to stand in the way of your self-improvement. Do not allow their comments to feed your doubts. It's difficult to detach from how you're perceived, yet you must. Anyone who puts their image ahead of their improvement builds their house on quicksand.

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A good day for reflection

Sometimes, we catch ourselves looking for answers everywhere but within ourselves. That’s why I dedicate time to use for reflection.

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How special could you be?

I have a challenge for you today. This will take years to accomplish. But it’s so worth it.

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ONE BIG side-effect of pursuing greatness

The man looked at me with eyes desperate for an answer. Something. Anything.

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